Wells Green-Up event set for May 5th
Mark your calendars for the the Wells Green Up Day event on May 7, 2016 starting at 9:00 am! This is a great way to become involved and...

VSQA Sponsors Student Awards
Three slate valley schools have been selected to receive 2 student awards each this year sponsored by the Vermont Slate Quarry...

VSQA Supports International Nursing Mission to Mexico
The VSQA was proud to help support Taylor Sargent in her recent student nursing mission trip to Puerto Peñasco Sonora Mexico. Taylor is a...

H.662 Introduced - Repeals Act 250 Exemption for Slate Quarries
Introduced by Representative Deen of Westminster and repeals the Exemption for Slate Quarries from Act 250. View H-0662 As Introduced...
Roofing Slate Production
Short video showing the process of roofing slate production at a local production facility in Pawlet, VT.

VSQA Donates $1,500 to International Student Activities
(Left to Right - Front Row: Pete Tatko, Zach Kasuba,(Recipiant) Steve Taran, 2nd Row: Bob Williams, Phil Prehoda, Clay Heald, Back Row:...

Beautiful Fall Foliage
To create your first image blog post, click here and select 'Add & Edit Posts' > All Posts > This is the title of your first image post....

Its Official - New VSQA Logo!!
To create your first video blog post, click here and select 'Add & Edit Posts' > All Posts > This is the title of your first video post....